Posting Guidelines


Registering for membership on The Path Forward Prison Ministry Forum indicates that you agree to follow these simple rules (whether or not you actually read them) while participating in forum discussions:

1. The purpose of this board is to create a loving and encouraging environment. When posting, remember to “pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another” (Romans 14:19). Therefore, denominational discussions, questioning a person’s walk with the Lord, and topics of a divisive nature will not be tolerated. Administrators and Moderators reserve final say in whether a topic is divisive and when disciplinary action (warning, moderation etc.) may need to be taken.

2. Please try to use appropriate capitalization. Typing a message in all capitals is interpreted by regular users of the Internet as shouting, and it is considered impolite. If sentence-style capitalization is not an option, use all lower case rather than all capitals.

3. Be angry, but do not sin by “flaming”. Flaming is a term used to describe angry ‘heated’ messages sent to another person in cyberspace. Be careful as to how you word a message, so that the recipient does not interpret your message as a flame. When you are writing your post, please remember that others who are reading it don’t know you personally, your sense of humor, or the tone of your voice. There will inevitably be misunderstandings, but we can each make every effort to avoid those (and to deal with them lovingly and biblically when they do occur).

4. Do not promote Spam. “Spam” is the Internet word for “junk mail”, and includes solicitations, requests for money, promoting, etc. A signature line ad is acceptable, if it is a reasonable length. If you have any concern about what you are posting, please contact the forum administrator for approval before posting.

5. Please remember that everything posted on this Forum is confidential. You are not to share any information posted with anyone that is not a member of this Forum. This is for the protection and safety of our members. We want all of our members to feel comfortable sharing of themselves.

Serious violations of the above Posting Guidelines will result in the forum moderators following the steps listed below, based on Matthew 18:15-17 and Titus 3:10:
1. On your first offense, your post will be deleted, and you will be contacted privately explaining the reason for our action.
2. On your second similar offense, your post will be deleted, and we will publicly post the reason for our action on the forums.
3. On your third similar offense, we will cancel your username (and take other measures) so that you can no longer post on the forums.